
Common problems and solutions for LED lamp damage


As a new type of green lighting technology, high-power […]

As a new type of green lighting technology, high-power white LED has the advantages of high light conversion efficiency, low energy consumption, long life, no maintenance, etc., and is gradually applied to various lighting fields. The long life of an LED is based on its safe working environment. For LED lighting, there are two main threats to its life: one is over-current shock, which means that the current applied to the LED exceeds the maximum rated current in the LED technical data sheet. , Including overvoltage shock caused by overvoltage; the other is overheating damage. These damages can be manifested as the immediate failure of the device, or they can fail long after the overcurrent shock event, which shortens the operating life of the LED.

Causes of LED lamp damage; LED lamp failure is caused by the failure of power and driving, and the second is the failure of the LED device itself. LED power supply and driver damage usually comes from the over-current shock (EOS) of the input power supply and the open circuit fault at the load side. The over-current impact of the input power often causes damage to the driving chip in the driving circuit, and breakdown damage to passive components such as capacitors. An open-circuit fault at the load end may cause overcurrent driving of the driving circuit, and the driving circuit may be short-circuit damaged or overheated due to a short-circuit fault.

Common problems and solutions for LED lamp damage